After finishing her bachelors in Physics, Kosova was part of a European program called master in material science exploring large scale facilities (MaMaSELF). She obtained her M.Sc in material science from University of Torino and Ludwig Maximillian University. Kosova conducted her master thesis research on unconventional superconductors at the Lab for Neutron Scattering at Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. Later she continued her PhD studies at the Technical University of Denmark within the department of Energy Storage and Conversion. During her PhD she utilized a controlled atmosphere high temperature scanning probe microscope to perform in-situ localized studies of model electrodes for solid oxide electrolysis/fuel cells. After her PhD, Kosova worked briefly as a technical assistant at Danish Power Systems, a company working with high temperature proton exchange fuel cells. As of June 2021, Kosova has joined IREC as a postdoc researcher and she will focus her efforts on the EpiStore project.