EPISTORE: The portable energy storage revolution

EPISTORE is a FET- PROACTIVE European project that aims to revolutionize the energy storage sector by developing pocket-sized kW-range stacks based on thin film reversible Solid Oxide Cells. It will enable to efficiently store renewable electricity for applications where the use of batteries is inefficient due to size constraints or long term storage requirements, e.g. off-shore power generation or transportation.

The EPISTORE project addresses this challenging objective by building an interdisciplinary research consortium with solid background in modelling, micro- and nano-technologies, materials science and energy together with high-tech pioneer SMEs that cover the whole value chain and possess unique capabilities to develop kW-range modular stacks for real applications. The project involves 12 partners from all over Europe including IREC, The University of Cambridge, KIT, CSIC, The University of St Andrews, Imperial College, CNRS, RWTH Aachen, Johnson Matthey, Solmates, Solidpower and Hygear. The project is coordinated by Albert Tarancón, Prof. ICREA and head of the Nanoionics and Fuel Cells group at IREC. The project has a total budget of ca. 4.6 M€ and will run for 4 years, starting January 2021.