Webinar and book launch

Webinar and book launch

El hidrógeno será un elemento esencial para la descarbonización y la activación de la economía previstas en el Pacto Verde de la Unión Europea, y para lograr los objetivos energéticos de Europa para el año 2050. El nuevo libro de Fundación...

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Kick off meeting for 3DPASSION

Kick off meeting for 3DPASSION

On Monday 19th of October we celebrate the Kick of Meeting of the 3Dpassion project coordinated by IREC and participated by CICe and INMA. The goal is to develop new functional ceramic energy devices by new manufacturing technologies in the frame...

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El próximo 9 Abril de 2020 a las 15h por el canal: https://bit.ly/2URZGqL Organizado por WAKATOBI bajo la iniciativa Reset the Planet. La presentación la realizará Marc Torrell, investigador del grupo de nanoiónica y pilas de combustible de IREC...

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Harvestore; the Power of Interfaces

Harvestore; the Power of Interfaces

“The Power of Interfaces: Fundamentals for Solid State Devices” is a collaborative workshop bringing together some of the leading academic researchers from the UK, EU, US and Japan, working in EPSRC, JSPS and EU sponsored consortia. Together with...

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